Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I managed to make my first piece of jewellery today in my brand new studio! I'm pretty proud of myself, after feeling rather disenchanted when I finished my first day of Tafe.

We had a saw-piercing project to work on; a geometric pattern within a brass square. The catch being you could only saw, no filing allowed, and the lines needed to be clear and even. What a task that proved to be! I went in thinking I'd find this easy as pie, and left feeling very much knocked down a rung. The next week however I returned, determined to make good of this project and while it didn't end up being something I was particularly proud of, I did do a half-decent job. The next project made me feel a whole lot better about myself - my very first inlay. Two shapes cut from the middle of a brass sheet, with perfectly matching copper bits that slipped in and stayed put. Just what the teacher wanted. Next week, we're making a domed rosette, I'll be sure to let you know how I go with that one.

My first piece made in my home studio is to the right. A little copper Australia pendant, just a little bigger than a 50cent piece. I'm so proud of those saw lines, I did one long continuous cut all the way around, and barely had to file it at all. It has a slightly brushed appearance too, because I hate high polish - too many finger prints.